Based Share (bSHARE)

bSHARE Token Icon

Contract Address: 0xD0A96c9b21565a7B73d006C02E56E09438b51C1B

bSHARE represents a stake in the Based.Farm ecosystem. As the protocol grows and thrives, holders of bSHARE are in a unique position to benefit from its success, through BASED rewards.

Role and Utility of bSHARE

  • Rewards Distribution: During epoch expansions of the Based.Farm protocol, BASED tokens are minted and distributed proportionally amongst bSHARE holders who've staked their tokens in the Forge.

  • Governance: Owning bSHARE is not merely a passive investment. bSHARE holders are entrusted with voting rights, allowing them to have a say in the direction and future of the protocol.

  • Indicator of Trust: The value and circulation of bSHARE can often be perceived as an indicator of stakeholder trust in the protocol's ability to keep BASED close to its peg.